How Cannabis Causes Psychosis – Know the Risk Factors


In this present era where the adults are working beyond 9 to 5 have found their own way to rescue. They have started finding peace in getting high on weeds, heavy on drinking and chain smoking.

But are these the ways gonna serve you health and happiness in the long run?

Quite confusing!! Just to escape the reality for a moment we are switching to ways that can put our health at greater risk.

Thus looking at the current trend we have decided to take call on it and to make you guys aware about weed smoking and how cannabis causes psychosis and other mental health issues.

So let’s get started firstly with what is Cannabis Psychosis,

How Common Is Cannabis-Induced Psychosis?

Cannabis induced Psychosis is mainly triggered by the rigorous use of cannabis also known as weeds , marijuana or even Ganja & Bhang.

Basically it has a chemical component known as tetrahydrocannabiol (THC) responsible for causing intoxication. This particular psychoactive chemical compound causes disruption in the blood flowing to the brain leading to Cannabis-Induced Psychosis.

Further the most common after effects are being unaware of the time and place, over talkative person, lower level of focus & concentration, and similar more.

Other than this you may also notice the signs of greater anxiety, confusion, paranoia. Further these signs can both long term or for short term period till you continue taking the weeds. 

In general these symptoms are not long lasting only if you stop consuming cannabis completely. However if you or you know somebody who have been cannabis for years can fall for cannabis-induced psychosis.

Thus if you looking for ways on how to get rid of cannabis addiction get in touch with Saran Nasha Mukti Kendra – offering effective measures being the Best Marijuana De-addiction Treatment Centre in Patna.

Apart from this there exists a lot of Risk Factors for Cannabis-Induced Psychosis like people with family history of mental illness can also be at risk of cannabis-induced psychosis irrespective of whether they are regular smoker or not. 

In fact the various Cannabis-Induced Psychosis Case Study also show that such psychotic issues have also a strong connection with causing mental disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Other than these people with family history also a group of people facing stress causing depression & anxiety also prefer these abusive substance to feel good for some time. Their mental health issues can also rise if such addictions are not treated before time.

These were the risk factors that can cause cannabis-induced psychosis so let us inform you more about what are the clear signs of cannabis-induced psychosis.


Symptoms of Cannabis Psychosis

Well the overall symptoms of cannabis-induced psychosis can be similar to other mental health issue. However these are the few distinguishing points that you may find in a person induced with Cannabis Psychosis.

Mainly the cannabis addicted are recognized by their attitude of being of unaware of their reality.

#1. Hallucination

Have you heard strange sounds or feeling of someone is following you? Well these are the signs of hallucination and generally occur either due to excessive stress or you are getting high on weeds. In fact the person feeling it thinks it’s real and even starts self-talk  assuming he/ she is talking to other person.

#2. Dissociation

Being unattached from people around you. People with this symptom generally thinks that the objects, or people around them are not being real. They don’t find themselves belonging to the same group.


#3. Delusion

Living in their own reality and creating stories in their mind. People with such symptoms generally start having trust issues even from their family members or loved ones. They start thinking like they are going to harm him and more!


#4. Cluttered Thoughts

Excessive consumption of Cannabis can also make your mind restless and more confused. Like the lack of ability to make clear decisions or facing difficulty in processing the other person’s conversation.

The replies of such person can also sound stupid or irrelevant sometimes.

As Said earlier How Long Does Cannabis-Induced Psychosis Last depends purely on time of period you have been using cannabis.

Knowing the right time to stop using cannabis or getting the effective medication can put a pause to all of these symptoms and signs of cannabis-induced psychosis. 

Even such precautions and measures can also reduce the chances people falling from more severe mental issue like schizophrenia.


Is The Treatment For Cannabis Psychosis Possible?

Yes nothing is impossible!!

People reported of having cannabis-induced psychosis can have the recovery and can lead a life like normal other person. First off all if you are looking for quick results quit using cannabis or weeds smoking.

For that you can take the help of various rehab centres or Nasha Mukti Kendra in Patna that provides a pure detoxification process for addicted. Their results are going to be long lasting as they follow a supervised and effective treatment process.

However if you haven’t reached that stage and are facing mild symptoms of cannabis addiction you can choose to go for outpatient treatment. 

Further in some cases you may also need some therapy, medications or counselling sessions and that should only be done by certified psychiatrist.

So is Cannabis-Induced Psychosis Causing you trouble?

Get help now!!


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