
Showing posts from July, 2023

How Cannabis Causes Psychosis – Know the Risk Factors

  In this present era where the adults are working beyond 9 to 5 have found their own way to rescue. They have started finding peace in getting high on weeds, heavy on drinking and chain smoking. But are these the ways gonna serve you health and happiness in the long run? Quite confusing!! Just to escape the reality for a moment we are switching to ways that can put our health at greater risk. Thus looking at the current trend we have decided to take call on it and to make you guys aware about weed smoking and how cannabis causes psychosis and other mental health issues. So let’s get started firstly with what is Cannabis Psychosis, How Common Is Cannabis-Induced Psychosis? Cannabis induced Psychosis is mainly triggered by the rigorous use of cannabis also known as weeds , marijuana or even Ganja & Bhang. Basically it has a chemical component known as tetrahydrocannabiol (THC) responsible for causing intoxication. This particular psychoactive chemical compound caus...